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- Principal's Message
- Student Survey - Tell Them From ME
- RE Term 3 - "Year of the Holy Spirit"
- Global School Partners
- Upcoming Events
- Term 3 Information Letters
- Awards Term 3 Week 2 2024
- Library News
- Fete Newsletter
- Lunch time Clubs
- Birthdays
- TeamKids Newsletter
- Bookclub August
- Photos - Kindness Circles
- Photos - Kinder 100 Days
- Photos - First Nations Art & Weaving Workshop
- Photos - Olympic Day
- Guitar Lessons
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have begun our semester with enthusiasm, and it is wonderful to see our students settled and focused. We are explicitly teaching our behaviour curriculum across the school to ensure all students and teachers are set up for success. Next Monday, 5 August, we welcome an external coach from The Knowledge Society who will be working alongside our teachers to embed behaviour norms and skills.
We have started the term off with many events in addition to teaching and learning. On Monday we had the Questacon Science Circus, and Gymnastics began on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Kindergarten celebrated 100 days of school. It was enthralling to see so many ‘older’ 5 and 6 year olds being engaged in everything related to 100. Some wonderful memories have been created for our students! Another great memory is the Olympics Day held today on our very own school grounds. We couldn’t make it to France, so France came to Kambah! Thank you, Miss Vandenbroucke, for your organisation of the day.
You may have heard that our students are participating in Kindness Circles this term, a program written and developed by a past teacher, Ms Penny Vanzwol. This week our students learnt about individuality. Our students engaged in activities that enabled them to understand that individuality means being uniquely them – embracing their unique qualities, values and beliefs, and expressing them confidently. At St Thomas the Apostle, we develop our individuality by being engaged with learning, school activities and our community.
Next week, our annual Tell Them From Me Parent Survey will open for our community to participate in. Feedback from a variety of stakeholders will help provide us with an accurate and complete picture of our school’s climate and culture. The Tell Them From Me Parent Survey can aid in strengthening parent, teacher and school collaboration by providing us with a deeper understanding of your perceptions of your child’s experiences at home and school. When further information is sent to you through Compass, we would appreciate your time in completing the survey. Thank you in advance.
Today is the last day of work for Mrs Gordon who is beginning her maternity leave. We wish her all the best as she embarks on the next chapter of her life with her husband Jake. We welcome back to work Mrs Nyunt after a period of maternity leave. Mrs Nyunt is teaching 5/6 with Mrs Breen. We look forward to welcoming back Mrs Jamieson after an unexpected bout of illness throughout the holiday period.
Whether your weekend is filled with sport, kid’s parties, or catching up with friends and family, may it be enjoyable and peace filled.
Yours in Christ,
Susan Chant
Acting Principal
I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made. Psalm 139
RE Term 3 - "Year of the Holy Spirit"
Family Prayer Night
This Wednesday (7 August) at 6pm we will hold the Family Prayer Night in the Church. All families are welcome to attend. The prayer night will run for about 45 minutes and focus on the Sacrament of Eucharist. We encourage you to come and join families of students who are preparing to receive this sacrament for the first time.
Sacramental Information
The Sacrament of First Eucharist will be celebrated at 6pm on Wednesday 21 August. All members of our community are invited to attend and support these students on this special step in their faith journey.
Information about the First Reconciliation Program has been sent out today via Compass. The Information Night will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 4 September in the Church. If you have enrolled in the program and have not received this information please email Mr Ryan (
St Vincent de Paul
We are continuing to support members of our community through regular donations to the St Vincent de Paul food pantry. If you are able to add the following item to your grocery shop this fortnight as a donation it will be greatly appreciated.
This fortnight we are focussing on Breakfast Cereals.
Global School Partners
Attached to this newsletter is an update about our Global School Partner the St Thomas Academy. Simon is visiting our school next week to talk to the students about our partner school and how we can support their community and learn from them.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child’s education or learning more about the school, please visit the following website link below.
Parish Bush Dance
See the attached poster about the upcoming Bush Dance run by the Kambah Parish. It will be a fun community night and will also support parish fundraising efforts.
Geoff Ryan
Date |
Event |
Wednesday 7 August |
Family Prayer Night 6pm |
Thursday 8 August |
Class Mass (KJ, 1G, 5/6F) 9:30am |
Friday 9 August |
Assembly (3/4H, 3/4M) 2:30pm |
Monday 12 August |
Science Week |
Thursday 15 August |
Year 1 Excursion (Questacon) 10am - 2:30pm |
Friday 16 August |
Eucharist Retreat Day (Yr 3/4) |
To view the Parent and Carers calendar please follow the link below to our school website. This calendar is very user friendly and clear to view on mobile phones.
Book Week is this term, and the theme is “Reading is Magic”. In Week 5, we will hold our annual Book Week dress up parade on Friday 23 August at 8:50am. Children dress up as a character from a book or as something that fits with the theme. There are some websites below to give you some ideas. We encourage you to use your imagination to create a costume with your child from what you already have at home rather than having to pay for a costume. You’ll be surprised with what you come up with! Looking forward to seeing our community come together to celebrate the magic of books. More information about Book Week events will be shared in our next newsletter.
Happy Birthday
to the following students and staff
who are celebrating a birthday
Vincent M
Georgia R
Gavy S
Anthony M