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- Principal's Message
- RE Term 1 Week 8 - "Year of the Holy Spirit"
- Harmony Day & Grandparents Day
- Parish Easter Egg Hunt
- Easter Mass Times
- Easter Egg Raffle
- Upcoming Events
- Cross Country Carnival
- Library News
- The Resilience Project
- Birthdays
- Awards Term 1 Week 8 2024
- Auslan - Alphabet (Q -Z)
- Tommy's Tales
- Photos - Year 5/6 Camp
- Photos - The Lion Dancers
- Photos - Ride to School Day
- TeamKids Tea Party
- TeamKids Holiday Program - Bookings Open
- Holiday Happenings
- Maker 2 Market April 2024 School Holidays
- Merici College Open Days
- Merici College 65th Anniversary Ball
- Netball in 2024
- Razzamatazz School Holiday Variety Shows flyer
- School Holiday Literacy and Numeracy Program Flyer
- Softball School Holiday Program
- eSafety Parent Webinar
- St Anthony's ELC Open Days
- YWCA Canberra Youth Programs - School Holiday Programs
Dear Parents and Carers,
The past two weeks have been very busy ones here at school. Two weeks ago, we had our autumn Working Bee and I was blown away by the number of families who signed up for the Friday night community event – 31 all up and it was 31 degrees when we started! A very warm night for the hard work that was put in. There were also many apologies from families with other commitments. So much was achieved in the three hours, including pruning, painting a new pedestrian crossing, carpeting the soon to be reopened (next term) creation station, power cleaning the play areas and paths, cementing our new Indigenous totem poles, cementing trip hazards, spreading 3 truckloads of mulch, weeding, removing dead foliage from the garden, building new sleeper garden beds, raking up a million leaves and cleaning out the sandpit. What a spectacular effort by the dedicated crew. Thank you so much for all your work – what a difference it has made. We also enjoyed some pizza and drinks when all the work was done.
Annual Improvement Plan
Each year, the leadership team, in conjunction with feedback from the teachers and our Catholic Education Performance Improvement Leader, formulate an ‘Annual Improvement Plan’. This was done in Term 4 of 2023 with the plan made for 2024. These are set out as three goals that we want to focus on as a priority for the year. The three goals for the Annual Improvement Plan for 2024 are as follows.
1) Establish a collaborative peer coaching model involving leadership and teachers
2) To develop a culture of consistency of practice for teachers and students
3) Strengthen existing CATALYST initiatives for improved student outcomes
The teachers have spent time analysing what these mean for them and formulated their own personal and team plan for bringing them to fruition.
The full plan is available on the school website for your information.
Year 5/6 Camp
81 excited students accompanied by 6 teachers and 6 supporting adults set off on Monday morning for school camp. This year they went to Sydney for a Sport and Recreation Camp at AGH camp. Our students (and the grown ups) had an unforgettable time at this Sports and Recreation camp! For the next 3 days our young adventurers immersed themselves in a world of fun-filled activities, team challenges, and outdoor exploration. From zip lining and archery to friendly sports competitions and raft building, every moment was brimming with laughter and learning. Our campers had the opportunity to build new friendships, develop teamwork skills, and embrace the beauty of nature. With memories to cherish and stories to share, our students returned home with hearts full of joy and minds full of unforgettable experiences. Huge thanks to the dedicated staff and parent support who made this camp a roaring success.
Harmony Day and Grandparents Day
Although this week is the official Harmony Week, we are celebrating it in Week 11 along with Grandparents Day. This will be on the last day of Term 1, Thursday 11 April. All students are encouraged to dress in the national dress of a country their family may have ties to or to simply wear orange to signify harmony and unity. We are expecting many of our wonderful grandparents to join us for Mass, an activity in the classroom and a shared morning tea and finally an assembly item presented by the Year 2 students.
We did get a taste of Harmony Day on Thursday with a spectacular presentation of a Chinese Lion Dance. This was led by one of parents, Nicholas Chan, and his two talented daughters, Winter and Edith.
This Sunday sees the beginning of Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday. Today, our Kindergarten and Year 1 children shared a vibrant presentation with the school recounting the events of Palm Sunday. They sang with such passion as they waved their palms. Next week Years 3/4T and 3/4M along with, 5/6KP and 5/6F will share more of the Easter Story and Years 5/6G and 5/6BR will help us celebrate the Resurrection when we return after the Easter weekend.
Please see the flyer further on in the newsletter with details of our Easter Raffle. Tickets go on sale on Monday.
Smart Watches
Parents and carers are reminded that smart watches are treated the same as phones at school. Smart watches, fitbits and similar devices with cellular, photographic and film capabilities pose a risk to student wellbeing and safety. When these technologies are misused by students, they can be very disruptive to student welfare, socialisation and in some cases cause various levels of harm. Any messages for students must be received via the Front Office. We want to ensure that students are not being distracted from their learning. As a school, we also want to be able to guide and support students in being able to solve problems with the support of peers and school staff whilst at school. For those reason I would ask that students don’t wear smart watches with to school the aforementioned capabilities. Fitbits that monitor movement and steps can be used as they are promoting health and movement.
School Community Council
Our next meeting is this coming Monday night, 25 March. The SCC will be discussing the structure of our new model and how to have parents involved in a more active and fulfilling way. The first meeting next term will be an open meeting where all parents will be invited to attend and have an opportunity to be involved in a capacity that interests you and where you know you can make a difference.
Yours in partnership,
RE Term 1 Week 8 - "Year of the Holy Spirit"
We celebrate Palm Sunday this weekend, marking one week until Easter. Kinder and Year 1 lead us in a joyful liturgy this afternoon which reminded us of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We continue to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus in a special way during the last week of Lent.
What are you doing to prepare a path for Jesus in the coming week?
How can we be aware and present to Jesus’ presence in our lives?
Please see the attached flyer for the parish Holy Week activities. We invite you to engage with as many events as you can. We also have the following liturgies at school you are welcome to attend as we explore the Easter Story together.
Holy Thursday: 3/4T and 3/4M Thursday 28th March, 12:30pm in the Hall
Stations of the Cross: 5/6F and 5/6KP Thursday 28th March, from 2pm at the Church Garden
Resurrection Liturgy: 5/6B and 5/6G Tuesday 2nd April, 10:30am in the Hall
Grandparents and Harmony Day
We are looking forward to celebrating Harmony Day alongside Grandparents Day at the end of term. Families are invited to attend the day's activities and bring a plate of food to share at morning tea. This is a great chance to bring in a plate of food that celebrates your families background and culture as we celebrate together. See the attached flyer for the planned activities for the day.
Sacramental Information
Please refer to Compass notification or collect a flyer from the front office if you are interested sacramental information for 2024.
Please complete an enrolment form for First Reconciliation or Frist Eucharist and return to Mr Ryan or the school office with payment by Monday 1 April.
If you are interested in baptism for yourself or any family members, please let Mr Ryan know and he will pass your details onto the Parish.
Please email Mr Ryan at with any questions about the sacramental program.
Project Compassion
Can you believe we’re almost in our last week of Project Compassion for 2024? As we approach Holy Week, a sacred time of reflection and significance in our faith, let’s take a moment to embrace and reflect on the spirit of compassion and the renewal it brings. This week serves as a profound reminder of the impact that each act of kindness can have on both individuals and communities. As we near the end of another impactful Project Compassion, remember that every dollar raised, every fundraising event organised, and every conversation sparked is a step towards creating a better tomorrow for all future generations.
Students and families can donate money via the boxes in classrooms or through the project compassion website.
Geoff Ryan
Date |
Event |
Saturday 23 March |
St Anthony's ELC Open Day 10am - 12pm |
Monday 25 March |
SCC Meeting 6pm |
Thursday 28 March |
Tuggeranong Swimming Carnival |
Friday 29 March |
Good Friday |
Monday 1 April |
Easter Monday |
Tuesday 2 April |
Easter Hat Parade |
Thursday 4 April |
Year 2 Excursion (Questacon) |
Friday 5 April |
Cross Country Carnival 11:40am - 1pm |
To view the Parent and Carers calendar please follow the link below to our school website. This calendar is very user friendly and clear to view on mobile phones.
Cross Country - Friday 5 April from 11:40am - 1:00pm
Parents are welcome to still assist on the day. Please email Laura Vandenbroucke if you are available to help.
Students must have the following with them:
- school hat
- drink bottle (labelled)
- jumper (labelled)
- They can wear their house colour for a shirt
Snapshot: Empathy
Working on empathy helps us to identify, understand and feel what another person is feeling. When we show empathy or we do something kind for someone else our brain releases oxytocin. This leads to increasing our self-esteem/confidence, energy levels, positivity and overall happiness.
Whole Family Activity:
Neighbourhood Kindness Challenge
As a family, choose an act of kindness from the list below that you would like to do for a neighbour or family friend. Each family member can select one to commit to, or you can choose to do one together.
- Cook them something delicious like a cake, hot bread, or cookies.
- Write a note to put in their letterbox thanking them for being a great neighbour or friend.
- Design them a Thank You card.
- Pick or buy some flowers to deliver to them.
- Choose a little plant from your garden to give them.
- Make them a gift from things around your house.
- Offer to do a job for them, like wash their car or water their garden.
- Offer to take their pets for a walk.
- Invite them over for afternoon tea.
- Invite them on a walk.
- Recommend one of your favourite books to borrow and read.
- Ask them if they need anything from the shops next time you buy groceries.
- Say hello next time you see them, and ask them how their day is going.
Feel free to do more than one and spread the kindness even further!
Report back to each other in one week and share how your acts of kindness were received, and how doing them made you feel.
Family Habit Builder:
Every night at dinner, have each person thank another family member for something they’ve done or said today, or give another family member a compliment.