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- RE Term 1 Week 2 - "Year of the Holy Spirit"
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- Photos - Opening School Mass
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- Canberra Physical Culture Club
- MacKillop Music Academy
- The MacKillop Judo Club
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was great to see the parents and carers who came to our ‘Meet and Greet’ evening on Wednesday. The teachers welcomed old and new parents into the classrooms to see the learning spaces and then we spent the rest of the evening enjoying some refreshments and reconnecting with friends and making new ones.
While in the classrooms, the teachers proudly showed a 5 minute video of our school ‘Catalyst’ journey …… so far! The link for this presentation is below. I hope you take the time to watch it and see the good things that are happening at St Thomas the Apostle school.
Opening of the School Year Mass
This morning we celebrated our ‘Opening of the School Year Mass’. Our Year 6 students received their Leadership Badges during the Mass and it was great to see so many of their parents in attendance, to pin on their badges. It was a joyous celebration, with the students, families and parishioners coming together as a school community.
School Photos
These will be taken on Tuesday 27 February. Please make the date in your diary. Photo ordering envelopes will be sent home next week.
School Uniform
We see the school uniform as an essential part of school life. It is a symbol of belonging and something that unites all children at St Thomas the Apostle Primary School. Right from the beginning of the year, we will be setting the highest of standards and trust on having your complete support and cooperation. To help support our parents and carers, most of our school uniform can now be purchased from our school second hand clothing pool ($5 a piece) or new from Lowes in Tuggeranong.
Sports shoes are for sports days only and leather or simulated leather shoes are to be worn with the formal school uniform. Socks are to cover the ankles. ‘No show’ anklet socks not acceptable.
If for some reason your child is not able to be in the school uniform on a given day (and we do understand that these circumstances arise at times), please send a message via Compass to let their teacher know. Students out of uniform without a reason will be given a warning/ reminder. If they continue to be out of unform without a reason, a defect note will be sent home reminding parents of our uniform policy and asking your support of ensuring students are in the correct school uniform.
Our new skorts and shorts are now in stock here at the school. We think they are fabulous. They are $25 each and are available at the front office and from the Second-Hand Clothing shop, when it is open.
A final reminder is to do with the carpark. Please use the pedestrian crossings in the mornings and the afternoons. The car park is very busy and to keep the children (and you safe), we urge you to always cross at the pedestrian crossing.
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours in partnership,
RE Term 1 Week 2 - "Year of the Holy Spirit"
Opening School Mass
Thank you to all the families who attended our Opening School Mass today. It was fantastic to be back together in the Church to celebrate the induction of our school leaders with our special community.
Lent and Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is celebrated next week and marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is a 40-day period of reflection. The number 40 occurs many times in the Bible and often references a time of repentance, reflection and waiting. During Lent we take time to reflect on our life and think about who we want to be. We often ‘give something up’ or try to focus on a positive behaviour we want to embody. What will you do this lent to reflect, grow closer to God and truly become your best self?
Ash Wednesday Mass + Parish events
We invite you to attend Ash Wednesday Mass in the Church at 9:30am on the 14th February with our school community (there will also be a 6pm mass on Wednesday). The Parish will also be holding special evets during Lent including a Lenten Bible Study, Movie Night and Stations of the Cross. Please see the parish website for more information on these activities.
Caritas – For all future generations
Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. Your generous support can help change lives today - and For All Future Generations. There will be a box in each classroom and at the front office where students can donate money. Please see the website if you’d like to see stories of people who have been supported by Caritas through Project Compassion.
Geoff Ryan
Date |
Event |
Wednesday 14 February |
Ash Wednesday Kinder rest day |
Friday 16 February |
Swimming Carnival |
To view the Parent and Carers calendar please follow the link below to our school website. This calendar is very user friendly and clear to view on mobile phones.
Kind regards
Victoria Town
Canteen Manager
Do you have a sibling/child who wants to learn a string or wind instrument? The MacKillop Music Academy continues in 2024 for students in Years 5 and 6 at a Catholic primary school.
More information on our website: